September 18, 2008

Kolby's New Discovery

Today started out great. I got the kids off the school and was switching the laundry and grabbing Kolby some clothes when I heard Kolby upstairs crying. I thought he just couldn't find me or something. I went to the stairs and Kolby was heading down them. Upon closer look, I saw that his diaper was off. No big deal, I was getting him dressed anyway. I went up the stairs to take him back up and noticed he had gunk on his hands. Upon examination, the gunk was actually poo!! He had taken his diaper off by himself and tried wiping his bottom. Mind you he is only 17 1/2 monthes old. While I was putting on the new diaper. I noticed he had a little "gunk" on his jammie tops. He was also kind of spitting. I said Kolby did you taste your poo? He nodded and started spitting again. So gross. Luckily, no "gunk" anywhere but in the diaper and on him. I think I better keep him dressed in a straight jacket. No more diaper Hudini.


Brenda said...

Eeeewwwwww!!!! That's just gross!!!! I can't believe he put it in his mouth!! I thought he was smarter than that :) ha, ha!

Laura said...

That is hilarious!! I'm not sure if any of my kids have actually eaten their poo, but Jaycee has done some fingerpainting with it.

Christensens said...

Oh gross!!! We have been lucky in that department but I have heard some horror stories. Yours is pretty good!

Heather said...

That is so funny!!! Now you have a great story to tell all his girlfiends when he gets older. Plus you can hold it over his head when he says he doesn't want to try a new food. You can say it will taste better than your poop. LOL

janelle said...

Glad were past that stage. Kaitlyn and Chandler have been potty trained for quite some time. However we do have a new puppy. She eats her poo too.

Marci said...

Eeeeww! Can I just say that I hope I'm not having a boy for that reason! If he wasn't so darn cute...okay, I hope I'm having a boy.