November 17, 2008

My niece Hailey's Baptism

This is Hailey, my niece who got baptized on Saturday. She was baptized by her dad.

This is my sister Lisa and her family. Lisa, Tom, Boe, Charity, Wyatt, and Hailey.
Joe and Kolby
My niece Mady, Joe, Kolby, Kamille, Kendall, Kara, and nephew Tyson.
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Laura said...

Jaycee is looking at your blog with me, she saw the picture with all the kids and got so excited. She wants to know when we can come to your house again.

Laura said...

"What's with Cameron's cheesey smile?" That's his forced smile. I can't convince him not to smile that way. You'll see his football picture soon. Cameron says he looks like an Asian with really bad plastic surgery!