November 10, 2008

Picture Tag

Laura tagged me back. The instructions for this tag are to go into your picture folder. Open the 4th folder and pick the 4th picture and post it. This was at Kamille's 4th birthday party. We really don't have parties though because Joe doesn't get into that sort of thing. Kamille is the one opening the present. Her cousin Chantz is squatting in front of her in his pj's. My mom and dad are in the background on chairs. My dad is examining a toy horse. Kara is the one cut off on the left. My girl's, how they have grown up. I tag Brenda, Marci, Heather, and Heidi.
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1 comment:

Laura said...

Why was Chantz in his pajamas? Was it late, or am I just a horrible mother that doesn't get her kids dressed?!